Private Club Management Solutions
Since 2004

Representing Boards and Owners
in Club Management Practices and Search
We Have Worked With Iconic Clubs in Major Markets
to Small Regional Gems in Moving Their Operations to the Next Level of Success
Thinking of Engaging a Search Firm?
Know the True Costs and Risks
Management Change Can Bring Unexpected Consequences -- Our Due Diligence Ensures Your Decisions are Well Founded
Considering a Management Company?
Understand All The Facts
While Outsourcing Appears Attractive, the Effects on
Your Brand, Services, and Value are Permanent. We Help You Understand the Alternatives

Independent and Objective
Board/Owner Representation
If your Club is faced with controversy, questions, conflicts, and stalemates, we are the experts in moving your team forward with independence, objectivity, logical action plans, and... enthusiasm!
Our firm utilizes decades of expertise to provide the factual basis for the Board's decisions. Verifying the true status of your operations and providing professional insight allows our clients to confidently pursue their next level of achievement.
At CCA, we have the courage to present the unvarnished truth about your team's performance and continued sustainability. We quickly gather and present you with the facts required to move forward without all the drama.
Our evaluations include each of your vital systems and ensures that a healthy structure exists to support whatever decision and actions you are considering.
Join our list of clients who have been astounded with our insights, counsel, and expertise -- before you embark on your next journey. We are known as the patron saint of the most difficult projects at major operations.
Operations - Governance - Member Value
Search Services

Management Firms
Clubs may be too quick to make a management change when the same obstacles will trip up the replacement. Resolving this basic truth is the essence of our service.
If you have experienced a revolving-door of management, CCA can identify the source and reverse this costly outcome.
Did you know that about 40% of senior hires wash out within their first 18 months according to studies reported by the Harvard Business Review and Heidrick & Struggles
In private clubs, the turnover rate may even be higher despite the engagement of search firms by well-meaning Boards.
Failing to consider the underlying basis for management change, name-brand search firms may have done more damage to the industry than any other factor facing Boards and Owners today.
"Boards owe it to their Membership to consider all alternatives and understand the true risks of management change."
Today's Boards are faced with unprecedented market demands while their operations are becoming more complicated and regulated than ever before.
In many cases, the consideration of a management company seems like a simple and logical remedy that answers all your questions. Beware..
CCA understands the truth is far from simple. There are deep and permanent risks to your brand-value and overall quality of operations with a commercial management approach.
Remember, there are no quick-fixes -- and many reasons the country's most respected private clubs are deeply skeptical of commercial firms.
Once that decision is reached, there are far-reaching considerations and effects you may have never imagined. CCA can help you determine if this path is truly appropriate for your membership.
We quickly remove the roadblocks and point your Club in the right direction